Information Security Principles: What is the CIA Triad?
The CIA triad consists of three principles upon which professionals typically focus. Blog by Information Security awareness training provider Hut Six.
Suspicious Certificates, Transparency and HTTPS
Will Certificate Transparency Help to Rebuild Confidence in Certificate Authorities? Blog by information security training provider Hut Six Security
Information Commissioner’s Office Mining Crypto
In 2018 it was discovered thousands of websites had been hijacked by crypto-mining code, known as a "Cryptojacking" attack. Including UK Gov and ICO websites.
Spear Phishing Series Part 3: What to do if You’ve Been Phished
Spear Phishing Part 3: With 50% of receivers clicking on an attachment or link, users are 10 times more likely to make this mistake than with generic phishing emails.
Will Confirmation of Payee Reduce APP Scams?
Can the introduction of the confirmation of payee requirement reduce APP scams? Blog by cybersecurity awareness training provider Hut Six.
Spear Phishing Series Part 2: How to Spot a Spear-Phishing Email
Spear phishing is one of the most effective ways of gaining sensitive information. These highly targeted attacks use your personal information against you.
Human Rights and the Growing Surveillance Economy
Human Rights and the Growing Surveillance Economy: Surveillance capitalism can mean your information being sold to the highest bidder. Blog by Hut Six
Attention: HP's Self-Destructing Firmware
HP firmware issue: The technology manufacturer Hewlett Packard has announced a firmware issue that could affect thousands of enterprise users. SSDs sold by the company are at risk.
Spear Phishing Series part 1: How a Spear-Phishing Email is Created
How is a spear-phishing email created? Cybersecurity blog from information security awareness training provider Hut Six Security.
Information Security vs Cyber Security: What’s the Difference?
How is it that information security and cyber security differ, and why is it that people frequently use these terms interchangeably?
The Cost of Poor Information Security
Facebook ICO fine and the cost of poor information security. Blog from information security awareness training provider Hut Six Security.
Cyber Security Awareness Month: Once a year, all year.
Cyber security Awareness month creates a problem in focus for companies. Blog from information security awareness training provider Hut Six Security.
New from Hut Six: Scenario-based branching Tutorials
Cybersecurity training modules that give the user the ability to test their skills. Blog from information security awareness training provider Hut Six.
Micro-businesses are underestimating social engineering
Are micro businesses underestimating social engineering? Blog from information security awareness training provider Hut Six Security.
General Data Protection Regulation
What does General Data Protection Regulation mean for my business? GDPR Blog from information security awareness training provider Hut Six Security.