How to Customise Placeholders

1. Navigate To Courses
Before you can customise placeholders, you will need to Navigate To Courses Navigate To Courses
2. Course Table
After clicking the course button you will be taken to the course table.
The table will include a list of courses that have been assigned to the organisation.
3. Select Course To Manage
Place holders only need to be customised in the 'Information Security & GDPR' course.
To get to the placeholders, click on the 'course name'.
4. Manage Course
You will then be taken to the course management page.
To start editing the placeholders, click on fourth tab in the table 'Customise'.
5. Update
Once you are happy with the information in the placeholders, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'update'.
This completes the process of customising placeholders.
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