Security Awareness Program Maturity
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How do I take my security awareness program to the next level?
When it comes to workplace information security, is compliance enough? Or should we always aim further? Is education enough to change behaviour? How do we define “cybersecurity culture”? Here Simon Fraser, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Hut Six Security for the first in a series of online briefings on this highly topical and much debated issue within cyber security.
Key Takeaways
- Assess your organisations current security level and the steps you need to take to “level up”.
- Benchmark yourself against your biggest competitor – you!
- Address the importance of cyber security awareness maturity within your organisation and Learn how to resolve objection and achieve buy-in from employees and internal stakeholders.
Security Awareness Campaigns
The biggest pain point for IT security awareness campaigns is adequately communicating your mission across your organisation. What are you trying to achieve, why are you doing it and how?
Whilst we need concise, effective training that provides the exact curriculum, respecting users intelligence and time, to provide the right practical information that meets compliance standards. It must be accompanied by auxiliary activities that properly mature your campaign.
Typically a effective security awareness that has an impact on security culture should address the specific risks in your organisations. The maturity of your campaign is directly linked to how tailored the training and activities are to your own policies and culture.
Measuring your Security Awareness
Metrics and feedbacks will help us understand if we are simply hammering a Square Peg into Round Hole because it looks like it fits. Specific needs and challenges faced by your business will always come first in this situation. If the majority of your workforce are working from home then a physical security module will be low on the priority list.
Consulting your cyber champions across the organisation to understand which security issues matter the most will help with awareness raising. Continuous feedback as you rollout your training and phishing simulation measures security awareness beyond the score your users achieve in any given tutorial.
Going beyond cyber security awareness month
In our client case studies we have helped many of our clients reduce the risk of data breaches and changed their campaigns from a tick in the box exercise into a mature security culture.
To see how we can help you improve your security awareness program and take it up a level you can schedule a meeting with us below.